Mă numesc Orban Ștefana, psihoterapeut cognitiv-comportamental, încântată de cunoștință! Din cadrul umbrelei CBT, lucrez si cu DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) atat in limba romana, cat si in limba engleza, pe o varietate larga de tulburari de personalitate. Lucrez si pe tematici mai sensibile precum autovatamare si ideatie/tentativa suicidara. Sanatatea mentala e un drept, nu o rusine. Acceptarea si iubirea neconditionata vin din primul moment in care ai pasit in cabinet. Te aștept cu drag!
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04 Dec 2020
The best! Am trecut pe la mai mulți specialiști, dar ea a fost singura care a oferit acceptare înainte de orice altceva. Ea e... diferită. Si o apreciez pentru asta.
06 Dec 2020
She's been trying hard to learn about a very stigmatized disorder we're struggling with, and she helped me and my friends and family a lot. She is open minded, kind and funny. Would definitely recommend 🙌🏻
04 Dec 2020
Open-minded person, ready to learn you like a book and teach you very useful things in a kind, caring way ✨ She always comes with amazing suggestions and is there for you at your worst and at your best. Very supportive too🤗 The best therapist in her field! 🙌🏻
04 Dec 2020
She's always been super kind to me and very patient, she is doing her best to show how much she cares. She's not superficial, she likes to be updated on every problem and be there for you if you need her. Overall an awesome therapist! 💜
25 Aug 2022
Best therapist in town and even more, online!! She helped me through so so much! I've went to so many therapists before and I didn't feel as understood and loved like I've felt with her. She's the absolute best and I 10000 times recommend!!!
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