Cluj-Napoca, Turda
EN: Hi! I’m Teodora and I am a certified cognitive-behavioral therapist. In my own practice I use a series of techniques from different approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Schema Therapy and of course, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) taking into consideration the needs of my clients. I do not see the therapist’s position as a master of living life. I don’t believe there is such a thing. But I see the therapist’s role as a human being helping another to get where they want to be beacuse of the privilege of seeing their road ahead from an outside perspective. The therapist’s job is to provide that perspective. So by practicing what I preach in my own life with my own struggles, I can understand how stumbling on your way can feel even though I am on a different life road. And I can provide perspective to try and help you acheive what you’re set to. I offer therapy sessions both online and offline, in Cluj-Napoca and Turda. LGBTQ+ friendly RO: Salut! Ma numesc Teodora si sunt psihoterapeut cognitiv-comportamental acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania. In practica mea includ o serie de tehnici din terapia schemelor, terapia prin acceptare si angajament (ACT) si bineinteles terapia cognitiv-comportamentala (CBT) avand mereu in mine nevoie clientilor mei. Nu vad pozitia de terapeut ca fiind cea de maestru al acestei vieti si nici nu cred ca aceasta pozitie este posibil de atins vreodata de cineva. Cred in schimb ca terapeutul este o fiinta umana care este acolo pentru o alta fiinta umana in drumul sau spre ce isi doreste pentru ca are privilegiul de a observa din afara drumul clientului sau. Incerc sa practic ceea ce predic in viata mea si in propriile obstacole de care ma lovesc astfel incat sa am posibilitatea de a intelege cum se simte sa te impiedici pe drum si sa cazi si sa fii descurajat. Datoria mea este sa ofer perspectiva exterioara drumului clientilor mei si impreuna sa decidem cum puteam face calatoria mai lina. Ofer sedinte de terapie atat online cat si offline in Cluj-Napoca si Turda. LGBTQ+ friendly
Conferinta Nationala ACT editia III
Cognitive- behavioral psychotherapy (Psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentala)
Formare in Psihoterapii Cognitive si Comportamentale
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