I'm a clinical psychologist and CBT Psychotherapist. I've completed a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. I am currently training in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, and I constantly attend at accredited CBT courses for various mental disorders. I've been doing volunteering projects throughout my studency at UN Youth Association and European Federation of Psychology Students (EFPSA) where I coordinated the Mind the Mind project. I worked as a clinical psychologist at Solidarity and Hope Foundation from Iasi with socially disadvantaged children to whom I offered assessment, counseling and psychological education.
Psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentală
Psihologie clinică
Psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentala
2 Reviews
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05 May 2022
Acum 1 an am cunoscut aceasta persoana minunata care a reusit sa imi schimbe viata in totalitate. Prin discutii pline de trairi si incredere a reusit sa ma faca mai optimist si fericiti si pentru asta ii multumesc si o recomand cu incredere pe Alina.
07 Jun 2022
Alina Postu este o psiholoaga foarte buna care chiar se pricepe in ceea ce face. Stie cum sa comunice cu pacientii si chiar iti da sentimentul ca te asculta cu adevarat si te intelege. Eu recomand tuturor oamenilor care trec printr-o stare grea si care chiar au nevoie de un terapeut sa vina la ea.
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