"We can't solve problems with the same kind of thinking we had when we created them!" This is where my role comes in, to help you notice your thinking and acting style, and then to help you replace it with one that helps you progress. I also believe that the psychologist's role is not to repair, but to assist a person in this journey towards himself, to help him discover the resources that were already in him, or to create new ones if necessary. Each person is an expert in their own life, but sometimes we need someone to show us another perspective. About me, I graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences in 2008, and a Master's Degree in Psychological Techniques for Behavioral Control and Human Potential Development in 2010, at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. I am a clinical psychologist certified by the Romanian College of Psychologists. I can help you if you need psychological evaluation or counseling, for problems such as anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, excessive anger, or achieving general well-being. If you are looking for more personal, relationship, or career development actions, I can help you through my training as a coach. In addition to the professional role, the role of wife and mother has given me personal experiences that test the theory. Life experiences complement what we read in books as psychologists and help us truly put ourselves in our client's shoes.
Curs acreditat Specialist in activitatea de coaching
Terapie asistata de animale
Curs Inspector Resurse Umane
Cambridge advanced Certificate in English
2 Reviews
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14 Nov 2023
Lucrez cu Andrada de mai bine de jumătate de an și sunt foarte recunoscător pentru faptul ca am găsit o . Este o persoană foarte inteligentă și realista, are o energie super pozitivă, iar munca pe care o face este la un nivel foarte profesionist. O recomand ca terapeut oricărei persoane care caută sprijin si ghidare. PS: Are voce plăcută urechii care nu te enervează.
07 Dec 2023
It's been eye opening to be guided by Andrada. She is balanced, calm and able to hold the space with neutrality. During the sessions with her I felt empowered to overcome challenges by observing different perspectives and by emotional reconnection. I would totally recommend her guidance
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