Hello, My name is Andreea and I am an autonomous psychotherapist and clinical psychologist. My basic training is in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, and over time I have added elements of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy but also other third-wave approaches. I am also currently undergoing training in Process-Based Therapy, which offers the possibility of a personalized approach, modeled on the characteristics of each person. To increase the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions I emphasize both feedback and objective assessments. Thus, at the beginning of the therapy, you will have an assessment approach based on licensed tests, to determine together the most effective scientifically supported interventions. Over the years I have honed my therapeutic techniques both through working with a varied symptomatology and through numerous continuing education courses. About me - the human: Because my core values include humanity and authenticity, I thought I'd add a few things that characterize me as a person. First of all, I have a relentless curiosity, which has led me throughout my life to different fields (law, psychology, biology, philosophy), and I like to read a lot, I usually have two or three books that I read in parallel. In the course of my life, like every one of us, I have had some difficult moments, failures, or made some less wise decisions. I can't say that my path is very clear to me even now, but what I do know is that every day I stubbornly start again. And finally, the last thing that comes to my mind is the belief that people can find meaning in life, a relentless belief that I constantly pass on to my clients.
LEVEL 1 - Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP)
Process-based CBT (Terapie Bazată pe Procese)
Terapia anxietății în secolul 21. Noi proceduri și tehnologii: PAXONLINE
Terapia depresiei în secolul 21. Noi proceduri și tehnologii: DEPRETER
Curs Contextual Schema Therapy: COMPASIUNE față de SCHEME, VALORI și SCHIMBARE
Conferința ”ePSY: Entuziasm pentru Psihologie (ediția I)/2023
Tehnici de imagerie ghidată
Terapia prin acceptare și angajament (ACT) pentru traumă
Grup de practică - Ai grijă de terapeutul din tine
Membru asociat
Psychotherapist - cognitive behavioral therapies
Cadru didactic asociat
Formare în psihoterapii cognitiv-comportamentale (CBT)
Clinical psychology
Bachelor's degree in Law
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Procrastinarea este un fenomen foarte des întâlnit și probabil fiecare dintre noi ne-am confruntat măcar o dată cu asta. Procrastinarea apare în numeroase domenii ale vieții noastre, spre exemplu amân…