I graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, specializing in Psychology, continuing with post-graduate specializations: Master "Clinical Psychology and Psychological Intervention", being a clinical psychologist Psychotherapist - integrative psychotherapy "Personal Development Counselor" course, accredited by A.N.C. at MT Evolution Academy, COR Specialization (242401) Trainer / Trainer authorized by the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education and the A.N.C. Certification for LGBT Affirmative Therapy provided by Yale School of Public Health & François-Xavier Bagnoud Center The experience: Psychologist and psychotherapist with the right of free practice accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists, I am interested in helping the person to adapt in the most efficient way to the living conditions, integrating new tools and ways to manage crisis situations, potentially traumatic events. Adaptation is done taking into account the humanity of the person and aims to support and enrich life, not just the integration at any cost into systems, structures that sometimes are toxic, inhuman. Significant relationships appear here with the utmost importance, especially the couple ones, which greatly extend their influence on the life's quality, not only partners life, but also of all those around them. I see the natural state of man as pleasant, satisfied, at peace with himself, any discomfort can be seen as a gift, an indicator of the need for a change that leads to homeostasis, balance. The way in which this goal is achieved is as particular and special as that person. I strongly believe that mental health is at least as important as physical health. The conduct of the meetings is based on the client's needs, in the foreground being the decrease of the discomfort and the positive functionality of the person. Recommendation: Empathy is the basis of social relationships, only social interactions develop our humanity and help us reach our human potential. Every interaction, no matter how short, makes its mark on us and thus, we are interconnected and interdependent. I believe that it is essential for each individual to be aware of their needs priority at a given time and to know and be able to apply strategies for their fulfillment that will pleasantly enrich the experience of everyone's life.
Atestat de liberă practică în psihoterapie integrativă
Certificat European de psihoterapeut Psihoterapie integrativă
Atestat de liberă practică Psihologie clinică
Certificat pentru Terapie Afirmativă LGBT
Consilier pentru Dezvoltare Personală
1 review
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22 Mar 2024
Am facut terapie un an si jumătate cu dl Hagău. Am evoluat foarte mult in acest timp de la a fi nefericit chiar daca aveam tot ce imi doream ajungând să invat să ma bucur de viață indiferent de împrejurări. M-a ajutat sa depășesc traume și să trec peste dependențe. Recomand
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