Welcome home! This is what I want to tell you after the time spent together. For me, the journey must lead exactly to the center of your being, to the space I like to call "home". I have a degree in Psychology, a Master's degree in Clinical Evaluation, Psychological Counseling and Couple and Family Psychotherapy, I completed the Integrative Psychotherapy Training modules (Romanian Association of Integrative Psychology from Bucharest) and I am a Personal Development Counselor. If you have read this far, thank you for your interest and I want to congratulate you, you have already taken the first step towards yourself! Every situation is a teacher and everything can be solved as long as we invest energy, attention, faith and love in our being.💗 With love and trust, Cristina Ciubotaru
Family Therapy
Psihoterapeut Integrativ
Psiholog clinician
Curs Neuropsy
Acreditare Consilier Dezvoltare Personala
Formare in Psihoterapie Integrativa
Yoga Teacher 200h
Master in Sociologie
Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala
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