Târgu Mureș, Timișoara, Bucharest, Iași, Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Brașov
Hello! I’m Daria, and I practice evidence-based psychotherapy. I’m a cognitive-behavioral therapist accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists, but I also incorporate techniques from Schema Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, tailored to your individual needs. Currently, I’m pursuing my PhD in Psychology at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. As a therapist, my goal is to understand you and help you feel truly seen and heard, so I can support you with care, empathy, and professionalism as you work towards balance and becoming the person you want to be. Together, we’ll create a safe space where you can explore yourself, express your thoughts, feelings, and needs openly, and practice strategies that will support you in the long run. A place where you’ll be accepted exactly as you are. This is where change begins! I’m here to help. Let’s take the first step—schedule one first free online session now! Discounts for pupils/students - 100 lei/session. Contact: 0735360597
Terapia ACT pentru simptomatologia depresivă
Formare de bază în Interviul Motivațional
Congresul anual EABCT, ediția 54 - New age of CBT: Challenges and perspectives
Program de Formare Psihopedagogică, Nivel II, Postuniversitar-Comasat
Congresul anual EABCT, ediția 53 - CBT in a Changing World: Migration and Cultural Diversity
Abordarea cognitiv-comportamentală a stresului posttraumatic: aplicații la persoanele refugiate
Conferința Națională ACT, a doua ediție - Aprofundarea conexiunilor interpersonale din perspectiva paradigmei contextual comportamentale
Consiliere psihologică și psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentală
Program de Formare Psihopedagogică, Nivel I, Postuniversitar-Comasat
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