My name is Ioana Bobeica, clinical psychologist, systematic couple and family psychotherapist, coach, and trainer. Specializations & training: Master in clinical psychology; Master in human resources psychology; Clinical psychology training; Systemic couple & family psychotherapy; Integrative psychotherapy - training Child & Adolescent; Coach & Trainer? We will work together to build a new perspective and bring to the surface elements of your experience that may have remained hidden or obstructed, but which often continue to appear in subtle ways in your daily experience. By building a perspective, we learn and cultivate new ways to respond to current problems, instead of avoiding them or answering them wrongly. In essence, therapy can help you access your own inner wisdom because I fundamentally believe that we all have unlimited power and resources! So, my role is to help you explore the causes of the difficulties, to give you scientific explanations for the problems you face, to teach you ways to overcome these problems, and last but not least to guide you in personal development and self-knowledge.
Family Therapy
Consilier in Dezvoltare personala, autorizat CNFPA
Consilier Vocational, autorizat CNFPA
Specialist în Coaching, autorizat CNFPA
Psiholog Specialist – “Școala pentru Cuplu” – București / Cuplul Conștient. Program de formare pentru specialiști
Formare continuă, specializare psihoterapeut de cuplu și familie, Asociația de psihoterapie sistemică de cuplu și familie, Iași
Formator, autorizat CNFPA
Formare Inițială în Psihologie Clinică sub egida clinicii de asistență și consultanță psihologică, ASIST
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