Until everything feels right, I warmly invite you to work together! I graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work in 2001. Subsequently, I worked in academia, teaching courses and seminars at the same faculty I graduated from. I am currently undergoing training in integrative psychotherapy. I am fully dedicated to my work, building healthy and successful therapeutic relationships with my clients. While I remain open to various areas of interest, over time I have given particular attention to personality disorders, abusive relationships, self-harm and suicidal tendencies, anxiety, and depression. I am a warm, calm person, with whom people naturally feel comfortable opening up
Curs de Consilier Dezvoltare Personală
Terapia anxietății – intervenție eficientă
Intervenția psihoterapeutică în dependența de substanțe și comportamentele autodistructive
Pregatirea pentru schimbare - Interventii motivationale in consumul de substante psihoactive
Curs de perfectionare profesionala „specialist in activitatea de coaching”
PTSD si DEPRESIE-interventie psihoterapeutica
Psihoterapie Integrativa
1 review
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1 star
06 Jan 2025
Mi-a luat mult timp sa-mi gasesc un terapeut de care sa ma simt inteleasa cu adevarat. Mihaela este calma, deschisa si empatica. O recomand din tot sufletul!
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