Teodora Mircea

Teodora Mircea

Iași, Constanța, Baia Mare, Oradea, Suceava, Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Brașov, Turda, Sibiu, Timișoara

3 yearsExperience
125-150 RONFees


About me

EN: Hi! I’m Teodora and I am a certified cognitive-behavioral therapist. I have thought long and hard on how I would like to present myself to my clients and the metaphor that repeatedly came to mind is the one of the Two Mountins described by S. Hayes . I will paraphrase and explain better what I mean. The metaphor refers to the therapeutic relationship as two people (the client and the therapist) climbing separate mountains divided by a valley. Each of the mountains represent the path each person walks in life towards their goals, filled with hardship and happiness alike. From their mountain the therapist can see the client on their own climb and can tell when they are about to stumble because of an unsteady rock they’re about to step on. So the therapist can help the client not beacuse they are at the top of the mounain but because they, being in the process of climbing themselves, can see from an outside perspective the process of the client and also understand intimately how the hardship they face feels because the therapist has their own hardship to deal with. I do not see the therapist’s position as a master of living life. I don’t believe there is such a thing. But I see the therapist’s role as a human being helping another to get where they want to be beacuse of the privilege of seeing their road ahead from an outside perspective. The therapist’s job is to provide that perspective. So by practicing what I preach in my own life and my own mountain climb, I can understand how stumbling on your way can feel even though I am on a different mountain. And I can provide perspective to try and help you acheive what you’re set to. For now the therapy sessions will take place exclusively online. LGBTQ+ friendly RO: Salut! Ma numesc Teodora si sunt psihoterapeut cognitiv-comportamental acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania. M-am gandit cum as vrea sa ma prezint clientilor mei si metafora care a aparut repetat in mintea mea este cea descrisa de S. Hayes a celor doi munti. O sa parafrazez si voi explica mai clar la ce ma refer. Metafora pune relatia terapeutica intr-o perspectiva de parteneriat bazat pe umanitatea ambelor parti: clientul si terapeutul. Fiecare dintre cei doi este vazut urcand propriul munte. Fiecare munte reprezinta drumul spre scopurile si valorile individuale presarat cu obstacole; cu fericire si nefericire deopotriva. De pe muntele sau, terapeutul poate vedea urcusul clientului de pe celalalt munte si isi poate da seama care este drumul mai greu, care e cel mai sigur si ce pericole apar. Asadar terapeutul isi poate ajuta clientul nu pentru ca a ajuns in varf ci pentru ca propriul sau drum, diferit de cel al clientului ii da o perspectiva din afara. Mai mult, fiind in proces de urcare el insusi, terapeutul poate intelege cum se simte sa ai de trecut peste un obstacol. Nu vad pozitia de terapeut ca fiind cea de maestru al acestei vieti si nici nu cred ca aceasta pozitie este posibil de atins vreodata de cineva. Cred in schimb ca terapeutul este o fiinta umana care este acolo pentru o alta fiinta umana in drumul sau spre ce isi doreste pentru ca are privilegiul de a observa din afara drumul clientului sau. Incerc sa practic ceea ce predic in viata mea si in propriul meu urcus pe munte si in acest mod am posibilitatea sa inteleg cum se simte sa te impiedici pe drum si sa cazi si sa fii descurajat. Datoria mea este sa ofer perspectiva exterioara urcusului clientilor mei si impreuna sa decidem cum puteam face drumul mai lin. In prezent ofer sedinte de terapie exclusiv online. LGBTQ+ friendly




150 RONPrice

Primary objectives
Anxiety and panic attacks
Secondary objectives
Communication skills improvement
Low self-esteem, devaluation
Loss of a loved one, divorce, separation, mourning
Lack of social life
Personal Development

Counseling psychology

125 RONPrice

Primary objectives
Career Counseling
Lack of social life
Communication skills improvement
Secondary objectives
Low self-esteem, devaluation
Loss of a loved one, divorce, separation, mourning
Personal Development



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