Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, Turda, Brașov, Constanța, Suceava, Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Bucharest, Oradea, Baia Mare, Iași
EN: Hi! I’m Teodora and I am a certified cognitive-behavioral therapist. In my own practice I use a series of techniques from different approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Schema Therapy and of course, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) taking into consideration the needs and goals of my clients. My goal for therapy is to provide my clients those 50 something minutes on a random week day in which they can feel truly heard, seen and most of all accepted for the human beings they are. I offer therapy sessions online in Romanian or English LGBTQ+ friendly (with experience) RO: Salut! Ma numesc Teodora si sunt psihoterapeut cognitiv-comportamental acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania. In practica mea includ o serie de tehnici din terapia schemelor, terapia prin acceptare si angajament (ACT) si bineinteles terapia cognitiv-comportamentala (CBT) avand mereu in minte nevoie si obiectivele clientilor mei. Scopul meu pentru terapie este sa creez un spatiu 50 si ceva de minute intr-o zi oarecare din saptamana in care clientii sa se simta auziti, vazuti si cel mai important, acceptati drept oameni. Ofer sedinte de terapie atat online atat in romana cat si in engleza. LGBTQ+ friendly (si cu experienta)
Conferinta Nationala ACT editia III
Cognitive- behavioral psychotherapy (Psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentala)
Formare in Psihoterapii Cognitive si Comportamentale
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